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Sunday, June 12, 2011

Really, Raccoons in our Chimneys?

Recently we were having noises of critters unknown. Our local chimney sweep discovered our chimneys were filled with families of raccoons. For two weeks we have been doing smoke out therapy, playing talk radio as loud as possible and pounding the pipes to make the visitors feel unwelcome.

As Lake Howard recedes, the beach reveals proof of our furry families' activities. (We are redoing our patio and our back yard flooded because of sprinkler issues, now dubbed Lake Howard.)

The four families in our flues finally fled. All four chimneys are now capped and all visitors will now be encouraged to use the doors for entry.

1 comment:

Karen said...

LOL Fun, isn't it? We've had to remove many raccoons from people's chimneys as part of our side business. Call me next time you have a critter issue...the advice is free (and since Don was a wildlife major, the advice is also good). =) Actually, we'd love to hear from you for any reason!